The Backyard Discovery Prairie Ridge All Cedar Wood Playset Swing Set is one of the latest types of playset swings that you can find on the market. What makes this product stand out is the fact that it’s designed to be used by many kids at once.
It has a very sturdy base and it manages to include a wide array of unique activities that your child will appreciate and enjoy quite a lot in the end.
Backyard Discovery Prairie Ridge All Cedar Wood Playset Swing Set
What we liked
- Easy to install
- Multiple activities to choose from
- The wood is soft, so children won’t get hurt
What we didn’t like
- There are lots of pieces, which means you can lose some with ease
- Some parts seem a bit low quality, like the bench
Product Information
Playground Glider
One of the main attractions for this playset is the fact that you have a large upper play deck which also has a sun shaded canopy. Here’s also the slide, and you can also find a playground glider too. All of these add up to deliver some very nice activities for your child.
But the best part is that you receive an outstanding attention to detail and one that does tend to pay off incredibly well in the end.
Monkey bar set
Maybe the best option for kids that want to boost their strength and stamina is to use the monkey bar set. This manages to bring in more fun to the activities, and it also helps them develop their muscles naturally.
There’s a ladder that guides the child to these monkey bars and using that is extremely easy and convenient. But the best part here is that you receive all the necessary guidance and help without any sort of effort.
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Made entirely out of wood
Since a lot of playsets are created out of metal and other materials that can cause harm to your kids, wood is actually the best option here. Not only is it very durable as a whole, but it can also protect your children as well. That being said, you do need to opt for regular maintenance such as priming and painting.
It will not be an easy thing to do at first, but it will be very well worth it in the end. That being said, you can still modify the colors as a whole, which does bring in front a great sense of value and convenience.
Dedicated sandbox area
Not a lot of people know this, but the Backyard Discovery Prairie Ridge All Cedar Wood Playset Swing Set actually has its own sandbox area. That means your children will get to play with up to 350 lbs of sand, a really enticing and fun activity that they will find quite enjoyable.
But by far the best thing here is that the playset doesn’t limit any child. Instead, children can do whatever they want, whenever they want. It really is a great purchase for parents that have multiple kids.
Question: What is the warranty?Answer: 5 Year Manufacturer Warranty On Wood; 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty on all other parts
Question: Does it have chain link swings?Answer: Yes it does.
Question: Are all the holes pre drilled?Answer: Yes. All holes are pre set and drilled.
Question: What is the recommended ageAnswer: 3 – 10 years
The Backyard Discovery Prairie Ridge All Cedar Wood Playset Swing Set is well worth your money because it’s easy to set up, it has a lot of activities like monkey bars, swings, a slide and even a sand area. It’s safe, made out of wood and extremely durable. Certainly worth your time if you want a high quality slide with a focus on value.
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