If you want to get a swing set for your home and you have only 2 kids or even a single kid, then you don’t need to get the larger playsets out there. Instead, you can opt for the Step2 Naturally Playful Playhouse Climber & Swing Set Extension which seems to be a rather interesting deal.
Not only does this product has a great climber, but it also seems to be very durable and with a great attention to detail.
Step2 Naturally Playful Playhouse Climber & Swing Set Extension
What we liked
- Plenty of activities to be had
- Long slide for toddlers
- Natural colors that fit nicely in the backyard
What we didn’t like
- It may lack some of the necessary bolts.
- It’s made out of plastic, so it’s not as durable as you may imagine.
Product Information
Great climber with a roomy deck
Right off the bat, you will note that this product has a stellar climber. Enteriung here is very easy and it can be great even for toddlers. It’s also a freestanding model, so there is no need for installation and you can push it to a new location if you want.
The climbing system is intuitive, and this helps even the younger kids to get a hold of how they can use this without a lot of hassle.
The slide has 5.5 feet
Kids always want to get a long slide, and this one is pretty long at 5.5 feet. Not the longest, true, but it does tend to offer the necessary features in order to bring in a memorable experience.
The idea here is that you need to have a large sand pit with lots of sand, because this slide doesn’t release your child directly into the sand, instead it does that a bit above the sand.
Top 5 Swing Sets for Older Kids
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Dedicated playhouse
Under the slide, you will find a secret playhouse which is actually a very good investment for kids that have a friend over. Yes, this is a very interesting idea to have in a playhouse, and it goes to show the overall attention to detail offered here.
The manufacturers also added a set of crawl-through portals too, which tends to bring in front even more incredible features that your child will enjoy.
2 strap swings
If your child wants to have more fun, then a swing set addition like this one is certainly worth it. And these swings are actually very sturdy, despite the build that seems a bit insecure. But it’s this simplicity that manages to keep the overall price low, which is a plus.
The strap swings seem to provide a great durability and they will definitely last in the long term. So, if you want your child to have fun while also avoiding any injuries, this is the best investment you can make for sure.
Question: How difficult is this to put together?Answer: Takes about 1 1/2 hrs.
Question: What is the maximum weight for the swings?Answer: 250 lbs on climber and 75 lbs on each swing
Question: Will it be suitable for a large indoor playroom?Answer: Yes, it will.
The Step2 Naturally Playful Playhouse Climber & Swing Set Extension may not be the largest playhouse, but it offers great features at a really good price. It has a nice slide, a playhouse and two slides that add up to deliver a very good value for your money.
Everything in this package adds up in order to bring in front a unique experience for your child. If you considered purchasing a great playhouse for your child, then this may be the right option, especially if you are on a budget.
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