How to Make Homemade Wine | 3 Simple Step

Wine is one of the most sophisticated and elegant beverages you can get from alcohol distributors. In addition to its refreshing taste that can cleanse the palate, it also offers many benefits that can boost your health. This is why many people are becoming wine enthusiasts and right fully so.What’s even better than having a steady supply of wine from your favorite alcohol distributor? These recipes that can be easily done at home and with ingredients that you can find from your very own cupboard. Check these out and serve them for your next party with your friends!

Grape Wine

The basic flavor of wine is what makes people keep coming back to its allure. Check out this simple recipe to have a homemade taste of this classic.


  • 3 lbs. organic bananas
  • 2 lbs. sugar (white or brown)
  • 1 cup of strong black tea
  • 8 oz. golden raisins
  • 5 oz. citric acid
  • White wine yeast
  • Yeast nutrient


  1. Pour grape juice into a 5-gallon container
  2. Add water and sugar then bring it to a boil until sugar is melted
  3. Let cool then pour into a container
  4. Add 1 package of yeast
  5. Close with an airlock stopper
  6. Allow to ferment for 3 weeks in a sanitized gallon
  7. After leaving it for 1 week, transfer into a bottle

Pineapple Wine

Craving for a tropical twist for your drink? Pineapple wine is an exotic and fragrant beverage that is extremely popular in Mexico, Hawaii, Japan and the Caribbean.Make this drink at home which will definitely give you a unique tasting experience:


  • 3 lbs. pineapple without peel and core
  • 2 lbs. granulated sugar
  • 1 lb. golden raisins
  • White wine yeast
  • Yeast nutrient


  1. Chop the Pineapple then put it into a brewing bin. You can also chop raisings and then add them to the bin
  2. Proceed to dissolving the sugar into hot water then let it cool down for 10 minutes
  3. Pour the syrup over the fruit, stir, then leave it for about 12 hours
  4. After this, add the wine yeast, citric acid, and yeast nutrient, stir and leave for 24 hours
  5. Check if the wine is making bubbles then leave for one weak, stir daily
  6. Strain the liquid then leave in a cool, dark place for one month. Rack the wine into a demijohn and leave for two months.
  7. Repeat the process two or three times until the wine is clear and beautifully colored. Transfer to bottles with cork taps.

Banana Wine

This might sound quirky but this recipe is surprisingly delicious. Surprise your guests with this wine recipe for your next event:


  • 3 lbs. organic bananas
  • 2 lbs. sugar (white or brown)
  • 1 cup of strong black tea
  • 8 oz. golden raisins
  • 5 oz. citric acid
  • White wine yeast
  • Yeast nutrient


  1. Chop the Bananas and put them into a pot. Add sugar and one gallon of hot water. Cook the mixture for 45 minutes at low heat
  2. Chop the raisins and put them into a brewing bin
  3. Cool down the banana mixture for ten minutes then strain it into the bin
  4. Add the other ingredients then leave the bin in a dark place for five days, stir the mixture daily
  5. Leave it for at least one month then repeat the process 2 or 3 times
  6. Bottle the wine

Key Takeaway

These homemade recipes will be the star of your next dinner or gathering. With simple ingredients, you can make delicious wine that is a perfect complement to any meal. Use this guide to make these yummy drinks and you will surely by rewarded with the satisfied smiles of your guests.

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