Most people find it extremely annoying when having problems with their skin such as acne, prone skin and skin tags are not the exception. This is also regarded as polyp or papilloma of the skin that might happen on the skin surface. At the beginning, it might appear as harmless, however, eventually, if you leave this skin issue untreated, it might lead to other underlying medical conditions that will require other complex treatments.This skin tag issue is mostly triggered by the usage of many cosmetic products without removing your makeup completely and carefully. Besides, skin tags also indicate that there are problems related to your body from inside as well as outside such as your unhygienic body condition. Most people will probably think of some surgeries or interference of spa treatment. However, it is not that complicated as you can still apply some natural home remedies for skin tags at home. They are safe and effective to try without worrying about the side effect. Most importantly, even if they cannot treat the problem completely, they are also helpful in making your skin look brighter and happier.
1. Garlic
Garlic has long been considered as the wonderful herb that works wonders in helping you to remove your skin tags as well as other related skin issues. It has the innate hot nature, which is excellent at fighting off all the potential factors causing skin tags and other related issues. Plus the tip of using garlic is quite simple.
- Take out few cloves of fresh garlic then turn them into thin slices.
- Directly apply over the affected areas, which means the area containing skin tags.
- Allow them to sit for a while or leave them there for the whole night.
- Remove the garlic then wash off by the next morning.
- Repeat this every day until skin tags are scraped off.
2. Castor Oil
Normally, essential oils have high amount of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities. Thanks to this, they are capable of helping people to fix many skin issues and skin tags are not exception. In fact, they are remarkable in assisting you to remove all of your skin tags.
How to use:
- Take out one cup of castor oil and put them in a bowl.
- Add few teaspoons of baking soda to enhance the benefits.
- Add small amount of honey and warm water to form a thick paste.
- Directly apply this over the affected areas until you find satisfied result.
- You should keep doing this for at least one week or so and you will find skin tags to eventually fall off.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another versatile ingredient that you could make use at home right from your kitchen is apple cider vinegar. This acidic property is useful when being used to treat skin tags for it would help the tags to fall off eventually and naturally. The trick of using this ingredient is quite similar as the mentioned one above.
How to use:
- Take out a cotton ball then dip into the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.
- Place them onto the skin and leave until the tags are soften.
- Keep rubbing the ball for few more minutes before rinsing off with water.
- Repeat this action few times a day until you find satisfied result.
4. Asphyxiation
Many people have sworn by this ingredient and it’s time for you to try if you have skin tags. The mechanism of using this ingredient is that it works efficiently in depriving oxygen to the skin tags and therefore, those skin tags will be shrunk and minimized naturally.However, this ingredient can be a bit harsh for sensitive skin, therefore, make sure that you give it a try onto your hands are before actually trying to apply to area sensitive areas. If there is no side effects, you are good to apply it for about eight or ten days and you will find skin tags removed off your skin.
5. Aspirin
There is high amount of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities in aspirin that works effectively to shrink the tags. In fact, many people make use of aspirin to treat some similar problems of the skin such as acne as well. You will not take in aspirin in this case but rather take advantage of its powder.
- All you need is simply crushing few tablets of aspirin to get the powder then directly place over the skin tags. You can keep the powder on your skin by using a duct tape to seal.
- After a night or 8 hours, you can take the tape off and wash with warm water.
6. Baking Soda
Being the mild exfoliant, baking soda is still capable of making skin tags disappeared efficiently.
How to apply:
- Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with warm water.
- Directly apply over the tags or using a cotton ball.
- Gently rub them off with warm water after one hour.
- Repeat this action every day until you find satisfied result.